Ariel Ludwig

Ewing, E. T., Brabble, J., and Ludwig, A. (In Press). “Wear a Mask or Go to Jail.” Nursing Clio

Ludwig, A. (2023). “Designing the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Assessment in the New York City Jails: A visual abolitionist resistance to data infrastructures of harm.” Design & Culture.

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Ludwig, A. (2022). “Jury Duty? I Conscientiously Object.” Baltimore Sun – Editorial Section.

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Ludwig, A. (2022). “The Labor of Care in Carceral Spaces: The work of resistance in the New York City Jails.” International Labor and Working-Class History. Special Issue: Invisible Labor in Carceral Spaces

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Ludwig, A. (In Press). “Digital Carceral Bodies and Abolitionist Dreams: Electronic record systems in the New York City jails.” In Stuit, H., Turner, J. and Weegels, J. Scales, Systems and Spaces of Carcerality.

Ludwig, A., S., (2021). “From Criminal Man to Carceral Bodies: Intake in the New York City jails.” Catalyst.

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Ludwig, A., Brabble, J., and Ewing, E.T. (2021). “Mask incarceration: The nexus of pandemic, environmental degradation, and carcerality.” The Mask Arrayed.

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Ludwig, A., S., Monico, L., Blue, T., Gordon, M., Schwartz, R.P., and Mitchell, S.G. (2022). “Developing and Piloting a Checklist for the Implementation of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Jail.” Implementation Research and Practice.

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Ludwig, A., Monico, L., Lertch, E., Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R., Fishman, M., Dionne, R., and Mitchell, S. (2021) “Until There’s Nothing Left?: Adolescents and Young Adults with Opioid Use Disorders and Caregiver Resource Provision Following Residential Treatment.” Substance Abuse.

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Ludwig, A. S., Monico, L., Lertch, E., Gryczynski, J., Schwartz, R.P., Fishman, M., Dionne, R., and Mitchell, S.G. (2021). “Drug and Sexual HIV-Risk Behaviors among Adolescents and Young Adults with Opioid Use Disorder.” JSAT.

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Monico, L., Ludwig, A., Lertch, E., Dionne, R., Fishman, M., Schwartz, R., and Mitchell, S. (2021). “Post-Residential Treatment Outpatient Care Preferences: Perspectives of Youth with Opioid Use Disorders.” JSAT. Read Here

Monico, L., Ludwig, A., Lertch, E., Dionne, R., Fishman, M., Schwartz, R., and Mitchell, S. (2020). Adolescent and young adult opioid overdose experiences and their nuanced relationship with behavior change. Addiction.

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Monico, L., Ludwig, A., Lertch, E., and Mitchell, S. (2020). Using timeline methodology to visualize treatment trajectories of youth and young adults following inpatient opioid treatment. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

Brabble, J., Ludwig, A., and Ewing, E.T. "'All the World's a Harem': Perceptions of Masked Women during the 1918-1919 Flu Pandemic," Nursing Clio, September 8, 2020

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Brabble, J., Ewing, E.T., and Ludwig, A. "Debates over mask-wearing are nothing new. History shows masks are a key tool for combating viruses, Made By History, Washington Post, September 6, 2020.

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Brabble, J., Ludwig, A., and Ewing, E.T. "'The Mask Law will be Rigidly Enforced': Ordinances, Arrests, and Celebrations during the 1918-1919 Influenza Epidemic," Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Blog, August 11, 2020.

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Brabble, J., Ludwig, A., and Ewing, E.T. "Wearing a Mask in Virginia - Historical Lessons from 1918," Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA), August 11, 2020.

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Ludwig, A., Brabble, J., and Ewing, E.T. "The Task of the Mask," The Roanoke Times (Roanoke, VA), August 5, 2020.

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Ewing, E.T., Ludwig, A., and Brabble, J. "Why was there a Backlash against Face Masks during the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918?" History Extra, published by the BBC, July 24, 2020.

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Ludwig, A., Brabble, J., and Ewing, E.T. "Flu Masks in Indiana during the 1918 Epidemic," Items, Insights from the Social Sciences, published by the Social Science Research Council, July 23, 2020.

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Ludwig, A. S., & Peters, R. H. (2014). Medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorders in correctional settings: An ethics review. International Journal of Drug Policy, 25(6), 1041-1046.

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Ludwig, A., Cohen, L. & Venters, H. (June, 2012). Injury Surveillance in New York City Jails. American Journal of Public Health, 102 (6), 1108-1111.

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Ludwig, A., Ewing, E.T., and Brabble, J. (2021). “Right All the Way Through: Dr. Minerva Goodman and the Stockton Mask Debate during the 1918-1919 Influenza Epidemic.” Nursing Clio. April 20, 2021

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