Ariel Ludwig is the Florence Levy Kay Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning, Law, and Racial Justice at Brandeis University. Her research resides at the intersection of mass incarceration, technology, and health. She weaves together the academic and artistic and encourages creative engagement across her teaching and mentorship. Ariel holds a PhD in Science, Technology, and Society from Virginia Tech University, as Master of Public health degree from Yale University, a graduate certificate in bioethics from the University of South Florida, and an undergraduate degree in English literature from Kenyon College. Ariel also has extensive work experience in the fields of correctional public health, education, and reentry.
A few of Ariel’s publications include: “Designing the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Assessment in the New York City Jails: A visual abolitionist resistance to data infrastructures of harm” in Design & Culture., “Jury Duty? I Conscientiously Object” and op-ed in the Baltimore Sun, “The Labor of Care in Carceral Spaces: The work of resistance in the New York City Jails” in International Labor and Working-Class History. Special Issue: Invisible Labor in Carceral Spaces, “From Criminal Man to Carceral Bodies: Intake in the New York City jails” in Catalyst, and a first-authored article “Mask incarceration: The nexus of pandemic, environmental degradation, and carcerality” in The Mask Arrayed.